Monday, August 29, 2011

Hairy Times in Genoa City - August 29, 2011

Before I begin my primary thoughts of today’s entry, I have to retract one of my theories from yesterday’s. Much as it feels like stepping onto ice of unknown hardness, I will say that I’m now about 99% sure that Diane is, indeed, dead.

One of Y&R’s biggest plot give-aways has always been their cast credits, both opening and closing.

Remember a couple of years back when Nick left GC on the company jet and it went down into water and he was presumed dead (and he ended up stranded on an island with the McGyver of beautiful women)? I kept telling my mother (another loooong-time Y&R watcher) that Nick had to be alive, because they removed him neither from the opening nor the closing cast credits—a sure sign that Joshua Morrow was probably taking HIS summer vacation, but would certainly be back at some point. She didn’t believe me, but I turned out to be right. You can’t ignore the credits.

Well, the week after Diane’s murder, Maura West no longer appeared on the ending cast credits AND they have taken her picture out of the still shots they show during commercial breaks. She seems really to be gone.
The only thing that makes me a little nervous is that, as I noted yesterday, people DO have a tendency to come back from the dead on this show. Remember how Skye was supposed to have been murdered by David Chow and buried in Victor’s horse stables? (By the way, what kind of name was Chow for an Anglo guy??) She was not on the show for some time after that, but then she magically resurfaced to join forces with Adam to create the Newman fund. (They never did explain whose body had actually been buried in the stables, but it wasn’t germane to the plot at hand…so I guess they just skipped over that part.) My point is that dead isn’t always REALLY dead on this show. But for now, Diane does appear to be gone.

And now, on to the business at hand.

First of all, WHAT IS UP with Daniel’s hair??? I’ve never understood why the producers have always allowed Michael Graziadei to look so unkempt and shaggy. I can sort of see them wanting him to look kind of Bohemian and artist-y and all, but really, it is NOT attractive…and it’s definitely not in keeping with the usual metrosexuality of most male soap actors. 

TODAY, however, Daniel looked like (and I’m dating myself here) John Belushi when he was playing the Samurai character on Saturday Night Live—that bushy little ponytail was hilarious! And it’s hard to take seriously a love interest who looks comical. (BTW, do you remember the couple of episodes when he had bleached his hair light blond? THAT was hysterical, too. Again, it’s hard to focus on the character when the ACTOR distracts you so much.)
If you look closely, you can see that Graziadei, while not devastatingly handsome, is not a BAD looking guy and actually has great cheekbones. And during the “blond” episodes, his hair was parted on the side and a bit shorter and—except for the extreme color—didn’t look half bad. He should have stuck with some form of that style. I just can’t believe that the producers can’t require an actor—especially in a business so highly competitive—to adopt a look more in keeping with that of the rest of the characters—or at least to be less distractingly strange-looking.

And speaking of hair, I’ve always been a little mystified by Amelia Heinle’s hair, too.  If anyone can relate to having unmanageable hair, I certainly can (I often joke that I am having a bad hair life). But with all the gorgeously styled manes on the show—from Nikki to Abby to Lauren—why does Victoria almost always look so bedraggled? She is a beautiful woman, but she looks like one of those brunettes who highlights her hair, decides she doesn’t want to continue with it, and then has hair in which the ends are much lighter than the top half. And why are the ends of her hair always so fly-away and, frankly, split-looking? I’ve seen her at times when they’ve tried to rein her hair in, and it’s always lovely. But most of the time, she just looks disheveled. And if there’s one thing a girl with half a billion dollars to her name ought to be able to afford, it’s nice-looking hair. Hey, Vicki, it’s time for a trim!

One last word about hair: Why is Avery Bailey Clark a blonde? Shouldn’t Phyllis’s sister be a redhead, too?

Well, the hour is late (I often don’t get to watch the day’s episode until late in the evening—and then  I want to get my thoughts down before they melt away!), so I will close this entry. But topics soon up for discussion will be:
·         The opening credits—who makes the cut, who doesn’t, and why.  And why don’t they update them more often??
·         The cosine wave (or maybe it's hyperbolic) of episode content from Monday to Friday
·         Clothes on Y&R—remember the green-striped muumuu Ashley wore for several days running right after Diane was murdered? Yikes!! It was a bad wardrobe choice that made even wraith-thin Ashley look fat!
·         Phyllis’s annoying habit of repeating her lines
·         Why can’t they bring back Thad Luckinbill?
·         Why do characters disappear? Anybody remember Paul’s one-time love interest, Detective Maggie Sullivan?
·         The most realistic characters on the show--and the least believable

Would love to hear what YOU’D like to talk about. Drop me a line, Genoa City Fans! Write me at
Texas Missy, the 35-Year Fan

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